
Cristiana Sanna


Phone : 07533 470532

E-mail: info@thedetoxmaster.com
Web: www.thedetoxmaster.com

Cristiana Sanna, Registered Bi-Aura® Therapy Practitioner and Course Co-Facilitator

I have always been interested in health and fitness but was forced to take my knowledge and understanding to the next level when confronted with a cancer diagnosis at the age of forty. 

While working as a Personal Trainer and Pilates Teacher, I was diagnosed with a rare form of breast cancer, and that was certainly a wake-up call that I couldn’t ignore. After pondering the options available, I decided to take my health into my own hands and embarked on a journey of research and self-discovery. It wasn’t an easy path to take, but it was undoubtedly the most rewarding.

I discovered that inadequate nutrition and bad lifestyle habits weren’t the only possible causes of dis-eases. Childhood traumas, trapped negative emotions, and energy blockages must be addressed to heal fully.

After just one year, I was cancer-free and remain so after almost ten years. I am now healthier than I was twenty years ago and feel great!

As well as being a Bi-Aura practitioner, I am now a qualified Naturopath, a Nutritional Therapist, an EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) practitioner, and a certified MAT (Metaphysical Anatomy Technique) Advanced Practitioner after studying with Evette Rose, the author of Metaphysical Anatomy.

My main focuses are preventative medicine and detox.

Nowadays, we are exposed to an array of toxins, from the air we breathe to the food we eat, from the invisible toxin that is EMF (Electric & Magnetic Fields) to the emotional energy that we are exposed to daily.

I work with Naturopathic principles and offer an individualised approach to health.

I also organise detox retreats for those who want to experience a different way to go on holiday or for anyone needing a reboot.